Chapter 51

1 Listen to me, you who seek what is right, you who look for God: consider the rock from which you were cut and the quarry from which you were dug.
2 Look to Abraham your father and Sarah your mother; God called him alone, blessed him, and made him numerous.
3 God will comfort Zion: He will make her ruined places better; He will make her wild land like Eden, and her dry land like God’s garden; there will be joy and happiness, thankfulness, and beautiful songs.
4 Listen to me, my people; and pay attention to me, my nation: because a law will come from me, and I will set my judgment as a light for the people.
5 My goodness is close; my rescue has begun, and my strength will decide for the people; the islands will look to me, and they will rely on my strength.
6 Look up at the sky, and down at the earth below: for the sky will disappear like smoke, the earth will wear out like clothes, and its people will die too. But my rescue will last forever, and my goodness will never end.
7 Listen to me, you who know what is right, you people who have my law in your heart; do not fear the insults of humans or be terrified of their abuse.
8 Moths will devour them like clothes, and worms will eat them like wool, but my goodness will last forever, and my rescue will pass on from one generation to the next.
9 Wake up, wake up, show your power, arm of God; wake up like you did in the old days, in past generations. Weren’t you the one who defeated Rahab and struck the dragon?
10 Aren’t you the one who dried up the sea, the deep waters, making a path for the saved to cross?
11 So, those saved by God will come back, singing to Zion; endless joy will be theirs. They will get happiness and joy; sadness and grief will go away.
12 I am the one who comforts you; why should you be afraid of a person who will die or a human who will wither like grass?
13 You forget God who made you, who stretched out the sky and set the earth’s base; you always fear the anger of your enemy, as if they were about to destroy you, but where is the enemy’s anger now?
14 The prisoner hurries to be set free so he won’t die in the hole or run out of food.
15 I am your God, who split the sea with its loud waves; “God of armies” is his name.
16 I have put my words in your mouth, and I have protected you with my hand’s shadow, so I can create the skies, establish the earth, and tell Zion, ‘You are my people.’
17 Wake up, stand up, Jerusalem, you’ve drunk from God’s hand the cup of his anger; you’ve drunk to the last drop the cup that makes you stagger, and poured it out.
18 No one is there to lead her among all the children she has had; nor is there anyone to take her hand among all the children she has raised.
19 Two disasters have struck you; who will mourn for you? Ruin and destruction, famine and war: who can comfort you?
20 Your sons have collapsed; they lie at the entrance of every street, like a wild bull caught in a net. They are overwhelmed with God’s anger, the scolding of your God.
21 So listen, you who are troubled and as if drunk, but not from wine:
22 Your God, who defends his people, says, “Look, I have removed from your hand the cup that makes you tremble, the very worst of my anger’s cup; you will never drink it again.”
23 I will make those who hurt you take it; they told you to lie down so they could walk on you, and you were like the ground or a road for them to walk on.